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- /*
- ** $VER: Misc.c V0.01 (27-06-95)
- **
- ** Author: Gerben Venekamp
- ** Updates: 27-06-95 Version 0.01 Intial module
- **
- ** Misc.c contains some miscellanious functions.
- **
- */
- #include <exec/memory.h>
- #include <libraries/gadtools.h>
- #include <utility/tagitem.h>
- #include "IFFConverter.h"
- // Defining protos
- ULONG ConvertDecimal(STRPTR);
- void MakeDecimal(LONG, char *, UWORD);
- void UpdateDimensions(ULONG, ...);
- BOOL StringCompare(STRPTR, STRPTR);
- UWORD StringLength(char *);
- static UBYTE MakeUpper(UBYTE);
- /*
- ** MakeDecimal(NumberToConvert, ASCII_String, MaxChars)
- **
- ** Makes from an integer value the same ASCII number.
- **
- ** pre: NumberToConvert -> Integer to convert.
- ** ASCII_String -> Where to store the ASCII representation.
- ** MaxChars -> Maximum number of characters to use.
- ** post: None.
- **
- */
- void MakeDecimal(LONG NumberToConvert, char *ASCII_String, UWORD MaxChars)
- {
- int i;
- UBYTE Digit;
- for(i=MaxChars-1; i>=0; i--)
- {
- Digit = '0' + (NumberToConvert % 10);
- NumberToConvert /= 10;
- ASCII_String[i] = (char) Digit;
- }
- i = 1;
- while(*ASCII_String == '0' && i<MaxChars)
- {
- *ASCII_String++ = ' ';
- i++;
- }
- }
- /*
- ** Result = ConvertDecimal( String )
- **
- ** Converter an ASCII string to a decimal interger.
- **
- ** pre: String - Pointer to an \n terminated ASCII string.
- ** post: Result - Function returns a decimal number.
- **
- */
- ULONG ConvertDecimal(STRPTR String)
- {
- ULONG Result = 0;
- while(*String != '\0')
- Result = Result * 10 + (UBYTE)(*String++ - '0');
- return( Result );
- }
- /*
- ** Result = ConvertHex( String )
- **
- ** Converter an ASCII string to a hexadecimal interger.
- **
- ** pre: String - Pointer to an \n terminated ASCII string.
- ** post: Result - Function returns a hexadecimal number.
- **
- */
- /*
- ULONG ConvertHex(STRPTR String)
- {
- ULONG Result = 0;
- while(*String != '\0')
- {
- Hex = MakeUpper( (UBYTE)(*String++ - '0') );
- if( Hex = (UBYTE)(*String++ - '0' < ('A' - '9') )
- Hex -= ('A' - '9');
- Result = Result * 16 + Hex;
- }
- return( Result );
- }
- */
- /*
- ** UpdateDimensions()
- **
- ** Updates the picture and clip dimention gadgets.
- **
- ** pre: None.
- ** post: None.
- **
- */
- void UpdateDimensions(ULONG Gadgets_To_Update, ...)
- {
- STRPTR Gad_UpdateText = "1234567";
- ULONG *Gad_To_Update = &Gadgets_To_Update;
- register ULONG Gad_enumID;
- register ULONG Gad_Value;
- SetTextGadget[1] = (ULONG)Gad_UpdateText;
- while( (Gad_enumID = *Gad_To_Update) != GD_Sentinal )
- {
- *Gad_To_Update++;
- Gad_Value = *Gad_To_Update++;
- if(PanelGadgets[Gad_enumID].MyGadgetType == TEXT_KIND)
- {
- MakeDecimal(Gad_Value, (char *)SetTextGadget[1], 7);
- UpdateGadgets(Gad_enumID, &SetTextGadget,
- }
- else
- {
- SetIntegerGadget[1] = Gad_Value;
- UpdateGadgets(Gad_enumID, &SetIntegerGadget,
- }
- }
- }
- /*
- ** Length = StringLength( String )
- **
- ** Calculate the length of a given string. String should be \0 terminated.
- **
- ** pre: String - Pointer to a \0 terminated string.
- ** post: Length - Length of \0 terminated string.
- **
- */
- UWORD StringLength(char *String)
- {
- register UWORD i = 0;
- while( *String++ != 0 )
- i++;
- return(i);
- }
- /*
- ** result = StringCompare( String1, String2 )
- **
- ** Compare two strings and return TRUE if they match.
- ** 'StringCompare' is case insencitive.
- **
- ** pre: String1, String2 - Pointer to a string to be compaired.
- ** Strings should be \0 terminated.
- ** post: result - Function returns TRUE if strings are equal,
- ** FALSE otherwise.
- **
- */
- BOOL StringCompare(STRPTR String1, STRPTR String2)
- {
- while( (*String1 != 0) && (MakeUpper(*String1++) == MakeUpper(*String2++)) );
- if( *String2 == '\0' )
- return(TRUE);
- else
- return(FALSE);
- }
- /*
- ** Upper = MakeUpper( Character )
- **
- ** Converters a character to upper case.
- **
- ** pre: Character - character to be converter to upper case.
- ** post: Upper - Chatacter in upper case
- **
- */
- static UBYTE MakeUpper(UBYTE Character)
- {
- if( Character < 'a' || Character > 'z' )
- return(Character);
- return( (UBYTE)(Character - (UBYTE)32) );
- }